In English, please!
- 壁に耳あり
The walls have ears.
- 目の上のたんこぶ
a thorn in one's side
- 二階から目薬
fanning the sun with a peacock's feather
- 目から鱗が落ちる
The scales fall from one's eyes.
- 目が回るほど忙しい
The schedule makes my eyes spin.
- 目には目を、歯には歯を
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
- こぶ bump
- get in the way 邪魔になる
- thorn トゲ
- scale 鱗
- 4 は新約聖書/6 はハンムラビ法典から
I'm Yu.
I'm tall.
I'm very expensive.
I was exported to the United States.
I usually work 1(one) day then have 4(four) days off.
I was a fighter but I am a ranger now.
Who am I?
- export 輸出する
- import 輸入する