「パックンマックン・海保知里の英語に Thank you!」2012 年 04 月 23 日

In English, please!


Golden Week is a series of national holidays.
This year, some people will have up to 9(nine) days off in a row.
Some of the holidays are showa memorial day and children's day.
The name "Golden Week" was invented by a movie company.
There are massive traffic jams on every highway in and out of Tokyo.

  • ゴールデンウィークは和製英語
  • 1 文目の national は、個人や各自治体の休日でないことを強調している
  • up to まで
  • day off 休日
  • in a row 連続して
  • 5 文目の massive の代わりに huge, gigantic, enormous などでもよい


I work 24/7.
I'm everywhere.
I have a mirror on my face.
You can't use a mobile phone around me.
I have a lot of money but I don't spend it on myself.
Sometimes people kidnap me.
Who am I?


  • ATM は Automated(Automatic) Teller Machine の略
    • teller 金銭出納係
  • kidnap 誘拐する