「パックンマックン・海保知里の英語に Thank you!」2012 年 04 月 16 日

In English, please!


Omiai is a Japanese arranged marriage.
2(Two) single people, a man and a woman, meet in order to find a mate.
You send a quick résumé and a picture to the other person.
The 2(two) people meet with the matchmaker and talk.
After a while, the matchmaker says "I will leave you 2(two) alone." and leaves.
If the 2(two) people get along, they start dating or become engage.

  • mate 配偶者
  • 3 文目の quick の代わりに brief でもよい
  • résumé 履歴書
  • matchmaker 仲人
  • 5 文目の 1 番目の leave は「を〜のままにしておく」で、2 番目の leave は「去る」
  • get along 仲良くやっていく
  • become engage 婚約する


I can fly.
I fight against bacteria.
My face must always be clean.
Please eat me if you are hungry.
I have many friends.
But love and courage are my true friends.
Who am I?
