In English, please!
Ohanami means flower viewing.
It generally refers to sakura, cherry blossoms.
We call it "flower viewing" but the party is the main event.
New employees go early to save a spot.
These days you can even order pizza or alcohol to be delivered to your party spot.
- 2 文目の generally の代わりに usually でもよい
- 4 文目の save の代わりに hold でもよい
- 5 文目の even で「注文することまでできる」と強調する
I have a long nose.
I make a lot of noise and people don't like it.
I eat whatever is in front of me.
I can't work when I'm full.
I can't do anything without my owner.
But some of my friends can move by themselves.
What am I?
- 掃除機 vacuum cleaner
- cleaner を省略して "Where is the vacuum?" のように用いることもある
- 床掃除をする vacuum the floor