「パックンマックン・海保知里の英語に Thank you!」2012 年 01 月 30 日

In English, please!


Setsubun is on the 3rd(third) of February.
It is a ritual to ward off bad luck.
We draw roasted soy beans and call out "Demons out! Fortune in!"
Then we eat the same number of beans as our age.

  • celemony でもよいが牧師や神父が参加しそうなので、ritual を用いる
  • ward off は keep out でもよい
  • bad luck は ill fortune や evil でもよい


I shine like a star.
I am every woman's best friend and every man's enemy.
If you want me, you gotta work 3(three) months.
I am very hard.
My name is use everywhere.
You can also find me at a baseball stadium or in a poker game.
Who am I?


  • 日本語ではダイヤと略すが、英語で dia とは略さない