In English, please!
Kakizome is a new year's tradition.
On the 2nd(second) of January, we use a brush and ink to write calligraphy on Japanese writing paper.
It is often a homework assignment for elementary school students.
We write auspicious words, for example, "The first sunrise of the year", "A ray of hope", "Luck", "Fortune" and "Happy new year."
- assignment 課題
- 3 文目の for elementary school students の代わりに in Japanese elementary schools でもよい
- 3 文目は It is often given as homework for elementary school students. でもよい
- assignment は可算名詞/homework は不可算名詞
- auspicious 縁起の良い
- 4 文目の auspicious の代わりに lucky でもよい
- 4 文目の例は、順に「初日の出」「希望の光」「寿」「福」「謹賀新年」
I am full of secrets.
People line up for me.
Some people even run for me.
And sometimes they spend big money on me.
But I can be disappointing when you finally see me.
Now is the best time for us to meet.
Who am I?
- 他動詞 disappoint 「をがっかりさせる」の形容詞形 disappointed 「がっかりした」/disappointing 「がっかりさせるような」
- 他動詞 excite 「を興奮させる」の形容詞形 exciteed 「興奮した」/exciting 「興奮させるような」
- 福袋 grab bag