In English, please!
A sento is a Japanese public bath.
You pay roughly 450(four hundred fifty) yen as an entrance fee.
Everyone gets into the bath naked.
We do not wear swimwear or underwear.
And we do not take towels into the bath tub.
You should wash your body in the washing area before getting into the bath tub.
There are beautiful paintings on the wall for your enjoyment.
When you get into the bath tub, you should say "Haaa, this is Paradise."
After the bath, you may drink fruit milk or cafe latte.
- 7 文目は look, see, watch を使っていないが、使うとしたら look だが「鑑賞する」感じが出ない
I have many brothers and sisters all over Japan.
My oldest brother will be 50(fifty) years old soon.
There are many pictures and toys about me.
I have a long nose.
I'm fast like a bullet.
And I'm always on time.
I fight for Japanese businessmen.
Who am I?