In English, please!
Obon generally takes place in August.
Your ancestors come home during obon.
Your relatives come, too.
And everyone visit the graves of their ancestors.
And during obon the roads are crowded, there're many traffic jams.
- 親戚 relative/祖先 ancestor
- 4 文目は go to よりも visit の方がよい
- 「お見舞いする」も visit someone in a hospital の方が「会いに行く」感じが出る
- 5 文目の当初案 The roads are packed with people going home.
They live in Ueno in a large air-conditioned room.
They eat and sleep all day long.
They are very big.
Many people line up every day to see them.
Their relatives live in China.
Who are they?
- 名詞 air-conditioning を ac と略すこともある
- エアコンがない There is no ac.