In English, please!
It's a game where you hit a water melon with a stick.
You put the water melon on the ground a few feet away.
The person with the stick wears a blindfold.
The people nearby give him hints to lead him to the water melon.
He hits and breaks the water melon and everyone eats.
- eye mask は寝るときなどに自分で付けるもので、他人にされる目隠しは blindfold
- 日本のスイカ割りは、メキシコの piñata に似ている
- It's like a piñata, but played with a water melon on the ground.
This is a place with 4(four) islands.
Everyone loves to go there.
It's summer all year long.
It has many beautiful beaches.
It's the 50th(fiftieth) state of the United States of America.
The current president was born there.
It used to have a king.
What is it?
- the current president バラク・オバマ現大統領