In English, please!
Sushi are on plates.
Plates of sushi go around on a conveyer belt.
There's no need to order.
You can eat what you like.
The bill depends on the number of plates you've eaten.
- 回転寿司をメリーゴーラウンド merry-go-round の応用で、sushi-go-round と言うニューヨーカーもいる
- ベルトコンベヤーは、英語では conveyer belt と語順が逆になる
Some kids are hitting a turtle on a beach.
A boy decides to help the turtle.
The turtle says "Thank you." and takes him to a special place in the sea.
He meets a beautiful princess there.
And they have fan together.
A few days later, the boy wants to go home.
The princess gives him a box and says "Don't open it."
When the boy gets home, he opens the box and becomes an old man.
- 浦島太郎と似た小説に、ワシントン・アーヴィング Washington Irving の「リップ・ヴァン・ウィンクル Rip van Winkle」がある